Monday, July 6, 2009

Live From Wasilla, Palin Quits

Tomorrow, thousands are set to descend upon downtown Los Angeles for the memorial ceremony for Michael Jackson to be held at the Staples Center, where he was recently rehearsing for his world tour. Last Friday, Sarah Palin hoped not to ascend to anything by attempting to quietly quit the governorship of Alaska on the eve of July 4th and under the shield of Michael Jackson media saturation. She was unable to outfox CNN who temporarily diverted from their "all Jackson all the time" coverage to capture her surprise news conference live from her Wasilla backyard. Fox resorted to getting Hannity and Greta on the phone for mislaid commentary.

The hurried nature of Palin's resignation complete with a near incoherent speech about saving Alaska from herself has led to speculation about her desire to earn some real cash to help to combat her mounting legal fees now topping $500,000 due to countless ethics charges or to hit the Republican fundraising circuit in preparation for a 2012 Presidential bid. Since she has not made her intentions clear, the first order of business is to convince her fellow Alaskans and "lower 48" Americans that she is not a quitter having served only 2 1/2 years of her first 4 year term as Governor.

Perhaps Alaska was too small for her ambition, after all she is only the star of the equivalent of a TV Show. It is time for her to do what other TV stars do, leave the show at the height of their fame for a career in the big leagues, it is movie star time. I'm sure she will make lots of money and I pray this is the route she is choosing for I truly hope that she doesn't plan to put us through another incomprehensible run for higher office.

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