Monday, July 27, 2009

Things Will Get Better But There Won't Be a Job for You

I am so glad that economy appears to be stabilizing. It cost a lot of money to prop it up though, but we won't go there. Unfortunately, there is a lot of talk about it being a "jobless recovery" and that is where my joy fades quickly. This is bittersweet news for the unemployed. Things will get better but there won't be a job for you.

We have been hearing the term "jobless recovery" since 2001 when we entered a relatively mild recession, compared to the whopper we have now. This can't possibly be an acceptable result when millions of people have lost their jobs. We all can't continue to be unemployed, there are simply too many of us. Personally, I have never been surrounded by so many unemployed brilliant, educated and seasoned professionals in my life. It is amazing to see your competition staring you in the face and knowing they have a lot more education and experience than you do.

The cottage industry of the new "bend over backwards" standards for job searching is downright terrifying. How are we all supposed to set ourselves apart from all the others to land that job? Am I really supposed to ask my interviewer right there and then whether I have said anything that may affect their ability to employ me and what I can do to improve my chances of employment with their company?

Now, we are all supposed to be our own brand to be sold and marketed by ourselves and in return we will reap employment. It is a very very tall order for many who are great but haven't looked for a job in 15 years. These people are in my classes and I feel very bad for them. I only just got back into the rat race recently so I was in sandy shoes to begin with though I was hoping to make a lasting impression. I have to hone my saleswoman-ship; something about selling the Brooklyn bridge.

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