Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Hindsight is 20/20

I caught some of President Obama's primetime news conference on healthcare reform this evening. I think most of us can agree that something needs to be done to curb healthcare costs and increase access for all Americans. Unfortunately, the methods by which we shall come around to such results leaves many quivering in their boots. However, there is a greater force for change this time around. Even Harry and Louise, representatives for John Q and Jane Q public featured in an effective anti-universal-healthcare commercial that helped to defeat Clinton-era reform, back in the 90s, have switched sides. They have returned to support the current healthcare reform along with the American Medical Association and others. This time around the situation is dire. Hindsight is 20/20.

If only we had achieved reform back in the 90s, we would have worked out the nicks and cuts by now. We certainly could have afforded it or at least already absorbed the costs into the national debt before we reached the stage where we truly have to worry about how much it will all cost. On this particular note, public sentiment is shifting due to a heavy campaign by the Republicans, shameless profligators and augmentors of the national debt during the "good" times, using its immensity as its major weapon to defeat the Obama plan.

Sorry Hilary. Sorry we didn't see the light 16 years ago when as First Lady you tried to convince Congress and America that healthcare as we knew it had to change, for I am certain that we wouldn't quite be in the pickle we are now. You still turned out well Hilary, you are now Secretary of State possessing all the dignity and grace not to declare that you told us so.

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