Wednesday, July 1, 2009

The Thrill is Gone

Today I learned that the 33rd annual New York Philharmonic free concert in Hecksher Park, my favorite summer concert that was previously canceled because the New York Philharmonic pulled out due to the loss of major sponsors but was revived when the Long Island Philharmonic's graciously stepped in, is now truly dead because of the New York State Senate's nasty deadlock. Municipalities and agencies across the State who depend on legislative action for continuity and/or funding are being adversely affected. For instance, yesterday was a major deadline in the renewal of certain orders of business ranging from Mayor Bloomberg's control of New York City Schools to the City of Yonkers' ability to mail property tax notices but those deadlines came and went.

For nearly a month now, the NY State Senate has done nothing.
So, the Islip Arts Council did not receive its usual Senate funding to help underwrite the concert. Great. The economy nearly derailed the show but the Senate killed it out of sheer egotistical foolishness. Approximately 65,000 people will not enjoy a time-honored event that brought out the best in community spirit. This is a disgrace.

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