Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The Joy of Education

I have just completed 3 whole days of school this week with 2 more to go. Up until now, I have been scheduled for no more than 3 days a week which is just about manageable. This week is brutal. Though, the hours are technically the same as a work week, believe me, 8 hours on the job is a lot different than 8 hours in the classroom learning the methodology of a profession. Essentially, dull, dry theory that we know never rolls out as neatly in the real world. But, I will not complain.

Though I am starting to get very tired, probably because I stay up too late writing this thing, I am happy to be going to school and I'm happy to have this forum. Besides, by the end of August I will be able to add 2 professional certifications to my resume and possibly some alphabet soup to my name, providing that I also pass national accreditation exams. Hopefully, I can turn all of this into a job gain for the fall. Wish me luck!

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