Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Tomorrow I have a major presentation for class and I am absolutely terrified. It is to be a 5 minute speech on any topic using the "best practices" tools of public speaking. Unfortunately, I have such debilitating stage fright that my brain has blanked completely and I cannot even come up with a topic. That's the way I feel many times when I sit down to write this blog. Even though a blog can ultimately become something of value and many people create one precisely for that reason, I actually do not want anyone to know that I write it and am perfectly content to remain undiscovered. So far that is the case.

I have been writing this for over a year now but I still have not found any comfort zone where I no longer fear discovery. This blog was to be an exercise that would help me break out of my frightful shell but so far that has not happened. One day I hope. In the meantime, if I don't drop dead from a heart attack tomorrow, I will be back here as usual, hiding.

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