Wednesday, August 26, 2009

A Moment of Silence

A moment of silence in in order for Senator Edward Kennedy who died today at the age of 77 due to a brain tumor that was diagnosed last year. Massachusetts has lost a tireless crusader and statesman. There will be a gazillion tributes and eulogies so I will skip all of the details and instead stop to acknowledge a few other notable deaths over the last few weeks. Sometimes I try to make note of those who made an impression on my world; people in my personal history book.

John Hughes, filmmaker who encapsulated the 1980s of my youth in film and who had a great sense of comedy. My kids are now fans of his movies because they were innocent, fun and engaging.

Les Paul, legendary guitar inventor and player. If you play guitar then you already appreciate his mastery.

Dominick Dunne, journalist, raconteur and celebrity voyeur. I loved his stories in Vanity Fair. He also played a large role in turning celebrity criminal trials into a spectator sport.

All will be missed and all definitely remind me of my mortality. Live on and try to enjoy life, you only have the one.

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