Thursday, August 20, 2009

Reversal of Fortune

The LIPA tale continues. Today I came home from the beach (yes, I went again) to find that I had partial electricity, a brown out of sorts. So LIPA dispatched yet another solo guy in a truck to come back and fiddle with what his fleet of compatriots had supposedly fixed on Tuesday morning. In order to fix the problem, I and my seven neighbors had to be blacked out again for a few hours. It seems almost certain that we have entered an electrical twilight zone and this is not the end of it. But, if there are five more trucks here in the morning, I will definitely not be amused.

Anyhow, in a completely unrelated turn of events, the mega million lottery jackpot has hit $207,000,000 so tomorrow I am going out to buy some lottery tickets. I never buy lottery tickets and though I would not recommend this is in the normal course of my world or sensibilities, I am going to throw my hat into the luck pool and see if I get a return. I have spent a few dollars on much more worthless items and perhaps a little hope of winning something may not be so bad.

Some people are lucky and some are not. I am hoping for luck to smile my way in the job market; hoping that I get the opportunity to toil away at a thankless job for a few bucks, and believe me, I would be grateful. There are many of us who could use a reversal of fortune right now and I do hope that mine comes in the form of job but if I win the lottery, this will all be a moot point now, wouldn't it? I know my chances are slim to none and I do not plan to make a habit of buying them, that is truly not my style, but sometimes when you switch things up a bit, it helps to lighten the mood.

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