Monday, December 15, 2008

Can Get There From Here

Well I am feeling much better today, having worked through my 5 stages of grief since my layoff a week ago and having resolved to make lemonade out of lemons, I have chosen to push on with purpose.

Friday night was the company Holiday Party at a fancy catering hall that I was looking forward to attending, so in keeping with the tradition, many of us ex-employees having reserved that night out anyway staged our own Holiday Party. We had a great time. It was good to remember why we liked working with each other and how we had a nice group of people to add to our professional networking profiles on the web. LinkedIn, essentially a Facebook-type networking site for professionals, is the most well-known. It doesn't have all the Facebook goodies but I suppose it might not be appropriate to send widget plant gifts or other plug-ins to our business associates or why not? Perhaps there should be some humor in job-hunting which truly is a thankless job.

Job-hunting requires full-time effort; nothing less will produce meaningful results. However, those around you suddenly think you are free and somehow don't seem to recognize the time and effort required on a daily basis if you are serious about finding a new job: revising and revising the resume, targeting the resume by incorporating verbiage from the job offering. refining and improving your professional network, writing those dreaded cover letters and the sheer time-consuming act of simply searching all the job boards. These last 2 weeks of December are probably the worst time to be job-hunting due to the distraction of the holidays, a great & enjoyable distraction, but a distraction nevertheless when you want to hear something from a hiring company. So, while I do spend quite a bit of time on it, I do recognize that the turn of the year may bring better prospects.

My family started this year with the slogan "2008 will be great" and we all know how well that turned out. Now, we are looking forward to "2009 will be fine." Did I really write this in my holiday cards this year? While I focus on the holidays, I will try to take the best of the holiday spirit with me and forever be grateful for the opportunities I was granted this year. My goodness, don't I sound positive? We get bombarded with rhetoric, teaching, healing, books, medicine and other pearls of wisdom that we should remain positive no matter what. I suppose I'll give it another few weeks to find out if my feelings are truly "live" or "memorex."

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