Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Most Have Shopped but Many Have Not Dropped

I'm feeling much better now that we have plowed through most of the shopping today. Thankfully the shopping was mild and we happily found deep discounts as promised. Surprisingly there was no frenzy or rushing, not too many lines, no overwhelming bags of goods and breathing room; a boon to the shopper, a sad requiem for a retailer. As we looked beyond ourselves to observe the fellow shoppers and their purchases - there were many lookers but still no takers - juxtaposed with the retailers we think are on the "list" as it were; we tried to narrow down who will be the winners and losers in the postscript. More later.

In the meantime, my husband and I bought meager gifts for each other, hoping to capitalize on the upcoming bargains we know will be beckoning next week. We can wait because our joy will come from saving money in the post-holiday shopping phase, not what will be under the tree for us in 2 days. We both have nice non-extravagant lists that we hope to fulfill at just the right price.

All shopping aside though, we all should know by now that the holidays are primarily about reaching out to family, friends and neighbors and making a positive connection. These winter celebrations are truly about the humanity in all of us. Don't forget to find yours and do something with it.

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