Monday, December 22, 2008

False Positive: Trying to Evade Gloom and Doom

May I be so bold as to go down that road. The road that I am trying to steer away from, the road that has been trampled lately, the road of gloom and doom that appears to be enveloping me despite myself. Not that I have been seeming all that positive lately but in my mind I really was trying. After all, we have to elevate ourselves above the fray if we want to survive.

Today is Tuesday before Christmas and I still have no gifts; well I finally ran out tonight to get a few "school gifts" realizing that tomorrow was the last day of school for the year. I absolutely do not like waiting for the last minute to shop because I hate having to jockey for position and wait on endless lines during the holiday shopping season yet here I am. Now, I have no choice, I have to do it all tomorrow or else.

I wish I wasn't so plain-minded when it comes to shopping then I would have had it all done already. Unfortunately, if I don't have any money or I feel my cash stream is finite, like losing a job, I will not shop, I go into lock-down; I simply will not buy another thing - I am frozen. I haven't even been to the supermarket. I have tried to do the holiday shopping since I was laid off, I have gone to the mall and all the usual discount retailers and I haven't seen anything I want to buy; not one thing has moved me.

Now the financial news shows are raising the red flag, don't buy gift cards at retailers that may not make it past January 2009 for the disconcerting reality is that this is one of the most dismal shopping seasons in decades and many retailers simply will not make enough this holiday season to survive. How the heck is the average person supposed to know which retailers are not going to make it? I try to do a little internet research and I can find plenty of lists of those that have closed under-performing stores or have simply died in 2008. So far, I have not been the most successful finding a good clean list of those that are in jeopardy outside of my own observation...this seems like everyone. Consumer spending is nearly 70% of GDP so if we don't spend; it seems that the economy is doomed anyhow.

You turn on the news and it is nothing but gloom and doom; how many years has it been since we've seen this statistic, this performance, this cycle, and the finality that this downturn will last through next year for sure. Though every guru keeps repeating the mantra that people should prepare for the worst, the reality is that most people really do not have a rainy day fund - that was what credit cards and home equity lines of credit were for. Now that those sources are dried up, most of us do not have the funds we need to survive. Today, commercial builders are begging the government for help because their debt is coming due to the tune of $160,000,000,000.

The bailout road is now on black ice; just slipping and sliding with no clue; everyone is slipping and we have no clue where to turn. How do we know who will survive? Last night, my husband and I were discussing where to invest; now is the time to adjust our 401ks. They keep telling us bargains are to be had in this market and we should steer ourselves towards those. So, I was thinking about companies that may benefit from the proposed infrastructure investments; caterpillar came to mind, they will be providing equipment I said. This morning I woke up to find out I was wrong, wrong, wrong. Caterpillar announced today that it was cutting salaries of all senior management and preparing other cost cutting measures to aid in its survival through next year.

I don't have a crystal ball and neither does anyone else but things really, really, really do not look so good this time around. I am going to keep looking for that light at the end of the tunnel but this tunnel seems awfully long already.

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