Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Obama This, Obama That

Well, it wasn't going to be too long before I weighed in on the Obama Cabinet picks. Hate Them. Well, not all of them, just too many familiar faces. Familiarity breeds contempt doesn't it? 

I could re-trench the commentary, too many Clintonites, too many Senators including the Pres. and Vice Pres., too many Democrats, too many Governors, and what's with the keeping of Bush's lapdog Defense Secretary Robert Gates? Or that Hilary Clinton for Secretary of State? Talk about keeping your enemies close enough to ship them out of the country whenever you like. There's the riffs on change we need, apparently Obama's advisors are telling him, you're all the change you're going to get away with buddy, you better pick some people who actually know what to do. So now we have barely any change at all. 

I'm trying to avoid all of this speculation and punditry, it is like commentary at a sporting event except it is drowning out the game and making Obama seem less than exciting. He is behaving so Presidentially, he is no longer at ease or as engaging. I want my old pre-elected Obama back.
Actually, following the play by play is usually not my style. There is only one event that I want to witness and that's the inauguration. All of this fill the void brouhaha is what it is, noise.

The government runs for itself, by the people who protect it, and for those who are a part of it. Representation is almost dead, like chivalry, it is nice in theory but can only be partially executed. You can hold the door open for the girl, she passes through, she thanks you but tells you to stay the hell out of her way next time, she can really do it herself or elect the President for the people, he can only present change but if the people are not truly willing, he cannot fully execute it.

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