Thursday, December 11, 2008

"God Put a Smile upon my Face"

Well, my husband will live too see another day at his job. The layoffs went down today as scheduled but thankfully, it was not his turn, today. We are now on a month by month employment watch. We are way too cynical by now to believe that any job in the private sector has a shred of job security.

There aren't any guarantees since no one knows what direction any company should go. Should it retrench to its core business units and tread water or continue promising new innovations that expand its market presence, position it for future growth and produces new revenue even though it requires a greater investment in operating costs? Retrenching could sacrifice the future but new innovations could sacrifice today's bottom line that has to remain positive to survive. Whatever the case, employment reductions have to take place and unfortunately will continue to take place if the economy does not turn around soon.

Does anyone see a better future in 2009? Right now things do not look good which is why it is imperative, more than ever, to quit the bailout mentality and let Capitalism fix itself; let the companies that are swifter, better positioned, agile and innovative take over the space left by the struggling behemoths. Why are we so afraid of letting the market decide the fate of a company? New companies will rise and grow to meet the challenges of a global economy thereby increasing employment opportunities for all. The government can augment job creation with new infrastructure projects and alternative energy initiatives.

We cannot forget the fundamentals of business; a company is only as strong as its balance sheet and we shouldn't get hoodwinked into scare tactics because it is a venerable brand, other exalted brands have come and gone. Business will survive and revive if we allow it to follow the natural life cycle of capitalism for there is always another company waiting in the wings to take over.

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