Monday, December 1, 2008

"R" Word Comes Out of the Closet

Today, the National Bureau of Economic Research finally played the "R" Card. Not only is the U.S. economy in a Recession but it has been so since last December. What? The Think Tank of Think Tanks finally deigns to call a spade a spade almost a year into the card game. How long was it going to take before the experts recognized the Commerce Department's sleight of hand as it issued false positive GDP data all year long (only to revise the numbers long after the fact and when we stopped looking.) There was barely an eyebrow raising last week when they released their revised data.

All of us little people have known the truth for as long as it has taken for the experts to parse the numbers. With major banks crashing, major industries crashing, 30 U.S. States deeply in the red, retailers going belly-up, the stock market at an all time low and Wall Street firms in disarray, the Treasury and the Federal Reserve having spent trillions trying to shore up the financial markets and so on, we needed to wait til December 1 to find out the truth. We have been drowning in so much negative data that we have plum forgotten the stimulus package we the people received last Spring, the first of many handouts that was supposed to save the economy.

Of course this "new" bad news sent the markets down nearly 700 points for no reason whatsoever. No surprise here, just another round of end of the world scenarios to get our knickers in a twist over. Tomorrow, the slightest smidgen of good news can provoke a rally in the other direction. Meaningless.

Yes, we have been in a Recession for quite some time. If this is news to you, then you must be too rich to notice and in that case, I want to be your friend.

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