Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Becoming Desperately Creative

I have re-framed my job hunt as not just looking for a job per se, but looking to create income for myself, of which a job is simply one method. This way I can think outside the box and find a new key to my success. Sadly, my new philosophy is yielding nada and as I observe the world, public notoriety seems like the way to go. I am thinking of thrusting my husband out there doing one of his crazy moves or coming up with something equally egregious to rustle up some petty fame. Then, we can capitalize on that and write a book.

It doesn't take much to manufacture fame these days. Basically, the more outrageous, the greater the opportunity to monetize that five minutes of fame. The commoditization of fame continues and it is down to about five minutes, from the high of 15. Why? Because the 24 hour news cycle is voracious; subjects are devoured and spit out in between commercial breaks. A story has to be good if it is to be repeated all day. If the story does not warrant enough outrage then it is dropped. Conversely, if the story is too outrageous it is also summarily dismissed. Whatever the fine line of fame, any worthwhile proceeds must be swiftly acted upon.

Perhaps all of these factors are what is driving HarperCollins to move up publication of Sarah Palin's book from next Spring to this November; rolling out 1,500,000 copies. As sure as Tom DeLay is shaking his fanny on Dancing with the Stars, this book will sell out its first print. This is the type of base entertainment that appeals to the masses (though they might not actually read it). And, the publisher cannot take the chance that those same masses will lose the fame trail by next spring. After all, she is losing news.

Were I to deliberately write something inflammatory, enough to go viral, I might have a shot at some income. For if I don't find a job to create some income, I may truly have to become desperately creative.

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