Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Simply Because it is September

Today is the first day of September. The weather dropped cold like a stone. That was it, our run of summer weather is over. We may still see some 80 degree days but the summer heat that we enjoyed over the last few weeks was all too short. Oh well. At least I did all that I could with it. But, it is September now and so our psychology shifts. Even the Dow Industrials lost 186 points today simply because it is September.

September and October are historically down months for the financial markets and when a majority of the previous stock market crashes have occurred. After the unprecedented rally of the last five months, investors are taking profits ostensibly because the rally has no basis and is therefore unsustainable and because the market goes down in September anyway. It is circular logic that creates an unavoidable condition. I'll get it straight one of these days.

The only thing that I am certain about is that I am still unemployed. I was supposed to go back to work when the kids went back to school but I still have not been fortunate to find employment. Many were predicting that an improved stock market would spur business to hire and prepare for renewed demand but employment still seems to be frozen. Many are still being laid off but now it is old news. To me, it is more competition on the ground and no matter how fantastic you are, no one seems to be above the fray. None of the people who started school with me in June have found employment, many of whom have very impressive resumes.

Tomorrow is my last day of school so I still have a milestone that I can set my lack of employment behind. School is supposed to help me be more employable and its actual completion resets the clock again even though I have already updated my resume and applied for dozens of jobs in the last month. Anyhow, I press on for at least I have something to show for myself.

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