Monday, September 7, 2009

Labor Day

Hope everyone had a great holiday weekend.

For us, it was a family affair. Yesterday, my father-in-law had his annual Sunday before labor day party which is a deeply satisfying West Indian fete with his extended family and friends. It is always a veritable smorgasbord of delicious authentic food that I know and love. Also, I get to be somewhat important as one of his two daughters-in-law; as the wife of his son, I am introduced to everyone. Oh, look at me, family celebrity. Silly girl.

Today, we had no plans which opened us up for an impromptu visit from my mom who brought along some of her longtime friends; lifelong connections made during nursing school in England some 40+ years ago. It was very cool to see them, actually. These are ladies who knew my mom before she knew me. And since I do not see them very often, to them, I am always amazing.

So, may this ode to my shallow self be the declaration that I had a great weekend. Cheers!

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