Wednesday, September 2, 2009

School's Out for Summer

I'm done, I'm done, I'm done! I'm done with school, just awaiting the official graduation ceremony. I thank you all for your support. Now comes the next part, studying for the very difficult national accreditation tests where success will put some fancy letters beside my name. Can I get any more fantastic than I already am? I must. Competition is stiff and every little bit counts toward getting one's foot in the door these days.

Well, I am off to go celebrate before reality hits me. May I suggest my newest favorite bottle of inexpensive wine, Impala Run Shiraz 2004 from South Africa.
It is imported by a Medford, NY based distributor so I don't know how much of the market they have penetrated beyond the Island. Anyhow, at a tidy $8.99 for the large bottle, it cannot be beat on price and taste. Put away those Australians, this one is good.

1 comment:

neshuma said...

Congratulations, mujer!