Monday, September 21, 2009

Oh No He Di'n't!

It has been widely reported that the White House has requested that Governor Paterson not seek election in 2010. Who does Barack Obama (and his Administration) think they are to stretch the long arm of interference into New York politics? Oh no he di'n't! Despite the fact that this tactic is straight out of the Karl Rove playbook, the fringe conservatives are having a field day. They will use anything that they can to cement their scare tactic case against the President, as they have been recently portraying him, among other things, as a socialist dictator wanna be. Nevermind that Paterson has incredibly dismal approval ratings and the Democrats, from a party standpoint, need to secure their current majority.

Then again, you can't blame Paterson for refusing to step aside. After all, he ascended to Governor of New York after Eliot Spitzer, popular crusading Attorney General-turned-Governor, was upended by a prostitution scandal thus Paterson has not earned his post by his own merits and would like the opportunity. Sadly, he has not been able to marshal his political fortune into political fortitude. While I initially championed Paterson's ascendance, he quickly capitulated to special interests and fell from grace. New York could have used a hero but instead he squandered his political capital for votes, (read curry favor with the unions) and it all backfired anyway. This method usually works, pleasing the right people, but for this Governor desperate times called for adept political measures and he simply did not/could not deliver.

Polls show that current Attorney General Andrew Cuomo would be the favorite in a Democratic primary against Paterson. Cuomo has yet to tip his hat but it is just a matter of time before he declares. After all, if you indirectly have the White House on your side, you might as well jump into the race. It is no accident that Andrew Cuomo is following the well-worn track of star New York Attorney General to Governor routine most recently practiced successfully by Eliot Spitzer. Besides, New Yorkers know the name Cuomo, Mario Cuomo, esteemed father of Andrew, was governor of New York from 1983 to 1994 and New Yorkers like to elect who they know. I say let the Democratic Gubernatorial primary decide. If Cuomo really is the favorite, let him win on his own merit by having a fair race against Paterson.

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