Thursday, September 24, 2009

Reflection on a Graduation

Well, I am graduating first thing in the morning and while I should turn in early, it probably will not happen as usual. Anyhow, I'll be the proud recipient of a Certificate in Business Analysis and a Certificate in Project Management. Yeah! However, the resulting job offer that I expected to snag due to this dual achievement has not materialized yet. I still believe that I will find something but as I stare deeply into the abyss of an aging job search, it is hard not to get discouraged.

I do believe that everyone is allowed to be discouraged sometimes just as long as despair does not become our modus operandi. We should get mad and we should get angry sometimes so that we can dispel the internal stresses that are bound to build as we constantly assess our jobless situation. Then we must dust off our boots, strap on a new outlook and continue the search.

Tomorrow morning, I am to show up in professional dress looking the part. Though they call it a graduation, it is a lot more than handing us our certificates, patting us on the back and sending us on our merry way. There will be representatives from area companies and career development professionals to give us another huge helping of job search guidance. Maybe some of us will get lucky and make a beneficial contact that leads to employment.

But just in case, I will be taking a civil service test on Saturday morning. It is for a position that pays half as much but I have to create opportunity and options for myself. We are being told to think outside of the box when it comes to seeking employment these days which essentially means we must pursue every lead even if it is for less money. So, I will do it.

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