Tuesday, September 8, 2009

A Whole New Ballgame

Back to school means more to me this year than it ever has. Though I will miss having my children around, they and I have some serious work to do. They are each facing a challenging academic year and I am facing a very challenging job search. All of the career counselors that I have come in contact with recently have stated emphatically that searching for a job is different this time around; in fact it is a whole new ballgame.

Though I have been diligent and put into practice much of the new tricks that I have been given, my search has turned up empty; my application of
the new rules is not as effective as I had hoped. I am now a brand. I must market and sell myself. I must network and meet new contacts. I must write a winning resume. I must write winning cover letters. I must be aware of body language. I must conduct effective interviews. It is up to me to close the deal.

So, I need to focus real hard. I need to leverage every ounce of my being in this pursuit and to that end, 6 1/2 hours without children will give me the time and space that I need to help me achieve this goal. Back to school, not a moment too soon.

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