Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Civil Service, Not for Me...?

A while back, I mentioned I was taking a Suffolk County civil service test to broaden my job search options. It was for a trainee position, paying in the thirties and though I initially passed it up, I reconsidered when my prospects started to look dim. After all, statistics do show that job growth is occurring in the healthcare, education and government sectors.

Alas, there was not much information about the test and I initially surmised that since it was a trainee exam, how long could it be and how hard could it be? Well, it was long, five hours long, and it was hard, the type of hard that gives you a headache from question one. I've had my share of education and I'm telling you, it was hard.

I had done my due diligence, having driven over to Suffolk County Community College the day before to case the joint so I would know which building and where to park. Everything went according to plan until I got into the room and learned about my five hour fate. I had some snacks with me and water but the combination of stress and my low blood sugar issues (I have to eat within a certain time frame or else I start to feel ill) took its toll on me and I began to overheat and feel nauseous three hours in. Technically, it was lunchtime but there was no scheduled break for this exam.

I excused myself and went to the rest room, wet my face, drank some water and removed a layer of clothing. The test proctor asked me if I was OK and was incredibly sweet and procured me some raisins and a tangerine. Unfortunately, my body would not agree and I turned completely green. I endeavored to finish the test so I could get out of there. That's all I could think of, getting out of there and, of course, I quickly gave up on the whole notion of pursuing this avenue. Unfortunately, I tossed my cookies the second I got out, at four and a half hours in, with barely enough time to find a suitable receptacle. Thankfully, there was a well-placed garbage can.

Anyhow, after fielding inquiries from friends and family regarding my test results, I finally called Civil Service and was told that it would take three to six months. That was fine with me because I didn't want anything do with it anymore. Well, they called me today to tell me that I was one of the high scorers and they'd like me to come in for an oral examination before a panel (death squad?) of three persons. I am still thinking that this is a trainee position, that will net me, after taxes, not much more than I am receiving from unemployment, not that unemployment will last forever...

Of course, immediately upon receiving the phone call with the "good" news, I had an instant headache, as the tricky civil service policy questions came back to haunt me. Do I really want to do this job? I know people think of civil service as a godsend but me, I'm not so sure.

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