Thursday, October 8, 2009

Improving My Odds in the Job Market

I'm back studying again in earnest, this time to gain national certification - that which will add some alphabet soup after my name. Anything that I can do to improve my odds in the job market. Actually I did get a call from an HR department of a prominent company based in New Jersey. Unfortunately, it is a 3 hour commute each way by car (due to the inevitable traffic) and virtually impossible by train. I would definitely have to relocate to take this job but I'm far from actually crystallizing that thought.

I am still pursuing the opportunity anyway because none of us ought to rule ourselves out. The whole contact and interview process requires practice and real world scenarios are invaluable. The initial phone interview was good practice. I haven't interviewed in months and I must say, it is amazing how quickly you can fall out of interview fluency. Ultimately, if I don't stack up against the other candidates, then nothing is lost and at least I've polished my chops a little bit. If, perchance, I do become a finalist then I will make the geographical determination then.

In the meantime, I will focus on my studies. And, as I am wont to do, I will make yet another declaration about how I will be resorting to brevity while I do so. Yet, as I scroll back through my posts, I see that I revert to wordiness almost immediately. Alas, such is me.

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