Monday, October 5, 2009

The Results of My Labor

Yesterday, we had a surprisingly warm day, I was beside myself. Beginning with our morning soccer games, I spent the entire day outside enjoying every minute of it. I worked hard though. We got most of our two cords of wood stacked. I cleaned up the gardens, pruning, cutting and shutting down for the winter. And, we cleaned out the garage. It was a busy day, just the way I like it. It felt good to be productive and see the results of my labor.

I spend so much of my time these days searching for work, which is, unfortunately, a thankless job. Since the only measurable result of this effort is landing a job, there is little opportunity in the process to reward oneself. I could pat myself on the back for the number of resumes I've sent out or for the number of contacts I've made, but the reality is, until I land that job, my efforts are simply not enough.

While all of the employment statistics remain off the charts, no unemployed person can ever truly relax for every aspect of your being is under siege especially when your finances are strained. So, as you take each day one at a time, it is nice to accomplish the little things that can make you feel worthwhile.

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