Monday, October 19, 2009

Republican Sickness

We are all familiar with the Republican party's flagrant opposition to the current Democratic-controlled government. This has been well documented and manifested via an almost unilateral blanket of "no" when it comes to any policy changes proposed by congressional Democrats. In fact, their almost unanimous opposition, now hijacked and irrationally perpetuated by the Fox Opinion Machine (nee News) has already led to such a deep muddling of the healthcare overhaul that I fear we will not recover from it. Is it possible that they can get even more egregious than this? Yes they can, 30 of them did:

"Sen. Al Franken (D-MN) introduced an amendment to a defense appropriations bill that would prevent the federal government from funding contractors whose employee contracts prevent workers from pursuing allegations of rape against co-workers.

The measure passed the Senate by a vote of 68 to 30, with all 30 'no' votes being cast by Republicans. Notably, 10 Senate Republicans voted for the measure, including all four female Republican senators.

Franken was inspired to push the amendment by the story of Jamie Leigh Jones, who was an employee of KBR -- at the time a subsidiary of Halliburton -- working in Baghdad's Green Zone when she was allegedly gang-raped by other KBR workers." (excerpt from 10/7/09).

There is no other way to describe this as downright sickness. If you are against the ruling party, come up with your own plausible solutions and, by rationally opposing, win the respect of the people you represent but more importantly, sway some of the people from the other side. But to flagrantly vote against a provision that seeks to curb and punish downright deviant behavior just to prolong an already irrational opposition is a sickness of the mind that no political party should sanction. This is the party of morality and family values? With this one, these 30 Republicans have really crossed the line from mere opposition to pure and utter lunacy (and hatred in my opinion). How else can you characterize it?

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