Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Extended Unemployed Benefits Not For All

Many are welcoming the news that Congress is actively considering extending unemployment benefits for another 13 weeks, 20 in states where the unemployment rate is greater than 8.5%. While most people, including the newly unemployed, assume that extended benefits are available for all, that is simply not the case, at least in New York state. In fact, only those who filed for benefits before October 2008 are eligible for the full load of extended benefits, currently an additional 53 weeks (once they have exhausted the initial 26 weeks of regular benefits). And, having exhausted those 53 weeks, if they do so by the end of 2009, will be eligible for the new Federal extension should it be ratified.

What most of us don't know is that eligibility for extensions is based on when one filed for and began to collect benefits. These are the rest of the basic guidelines: Persons who claimed benefits between October 2008 and February 2009 are eligible for a maximum extension of 33 weeks; Persons who claimed between February 2009 and June 2009 are eligible for only a 20 week extension; And, if you filed after June 2009, you get the basic 26 weeks and that's it.

So, for those who believe (and they do!) that many unemployed people have simply given up looking for work, happy to ride the government gravy train because they have an almost unlimited pipeline of cash, are mistaken. They also fail to realize that the average weekly benefit in New York is about $300 of the maximum of $405. Anyone able to survive on $1200 a month when the average weekly paycheck is about $850? Hmmm? Most people I know cannot afford to be unemployed and believe me are not feeling happy about collecting such a paltry sum when their lives are based on a much higher salary.

I feel for the people who lost their jobs over a year ago now and have run out of benefits deperately waiting for the government to tide them over once again. But the real truth is that right after the New Year, a whole host of people who lost their jobs this Spring, when we experienced the massive bloodbath of layoffs, will run out of benefits for good. Will the government throw them a lifeline too?

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