Monday, October 12, 2009

What Price, Peace Prize?

On this Columbus Day, a celebration of the explorer who "discovered," America, President Obama continues to be bashed for what many view as his un-deserving of the Nobel Peace Prize. What has he really done for peace, they ask? He really has accomplished nothing they conclude. While the rest of the world views his strong overtures toward diplomacy as a positive sign of great alliances to come, to his American critics, he appears to have changed nothing. In fact, these critics took it a step further by pointing out that he failed to secure the Nobel prize for economics. Huh? There are many who are rooting for this President to fail and they will find fault with his success and rejoice when he misses. They simply do not see that if any President fails, America fails.

While many loudly cheered when his attendance at the Olympic Committee in Copenhagen failed to help Chicago win its bid for the 2016 games, they missed the point that America lost. It is easy to blame the President when things are not going well - housing and health care costs, declining employment and rising taxes along with high debt - I am staring all of these issues in the face. Unfortunately, the seeds were sown long before he was sworn in and while I know it is customary to blame whoever is in power for the ills of the day, it is easy to see how negativity can suck in even the die-hard. It does seem though that we could use a little bit more peace and acceptance right here at home. Something about that great continent that Columbus found.

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